
Full-Time staff

SUN, Yi-Hua

SUN, Yi-Hua
Professor & Chair

Chinese Flower-and-Bird Ink Painting, Modern Chinese Ink Painting

CHEN, Shu-Hua

CHEN, Shu-Hua

Oil Painting, Lacquer Painting, Science of Art Materials

HUANG, Chin-Lung

HUANG, Chin-Lung

Oil Painting, Watercolor, Drawing

CHAO, Huei-Ling

CHAO, Huei-Ling

Art Education, Visual Culture, Gender Study

CHUANG, Lien-Tung

CHUANG, Lien-Tung

Chinese Ink Painting, Painting Theory, Calligraphy

TSAI, Chih-Fen

TSAI, Chih-Fen

Installation Art, Mixed Media

CHU, Yu-Yi

CHU, Yu-Yi

Western Painting, Creative Media

PAI, Shih-Ming

PAI, Shih-Ming

Seminars of Aesthetics, Art Curatorial studies, Art Criticism

CHANG, Yuan-Feng

CHANG, Yuan-Feng
Professor & Chief Director of RCCCR

Restoration of Oriental Calligraphy and Painting

LIN, Cheng-Huang

LIN, Cheng-Huang

Spectral analysis, Instrument analysis and identification

WU, Yeou-Xin

WU, Yeou-Xin

Chinese Ink Painting, Contemporary Art Theory

SU, Yao-Hua

SU, Yao-Hua
Associate Professor

 Museum management, Cultural policy and Cultural studies, Creative industries studies, Curatorial study, Creative clusters.

CHIANG, Shyue-Ying

CHIANG, Shyue-Ying
Associate Professor

Arts Therapy, Arts Education, Children's Literature



SONG, Sheau-Ming

SONG, Sheau-Ming
Associate Professor

Western Painting, Creative Media

KOON, Wai-Bong

KOON, Wai-Bong
Associate Professor

Ink art, Chinese painting and calligraphy, Hong Kong art


Associate Professor

Conservation of Easel Paintings and Painted Wooden Artifacts, Research on Techniques and Materials in Western Painting and Gilding, Conservation Materials Science, and Maintenance of Contemporary Artworks.

LIN, Cheng-Jung

LIN, Cheng-Jung
Assistant Professor

Ink and Wash Creation, Calligraphy& Seal Cutting Creation, Research about mentioned above and Art Edcation.

Henning von Mirbach

Henning von Mirbach
Assistant Professor

History of art in China, especially the history of painting in China with a focus on the seventeenth
century. Ming-Qing dynastic transition and its impact on the arts as well as the intellectual, political and economic history of the period. East Asian Art (China, Korea & Japan). History of China and East Asia in the early modern period in their global contexts. Islamic Art and the art of India. Contemporary ink painting practices in China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong.

WEI, Chu-Chiun

WEI, Chu-Chiun
Assistant Professor(Contract)

Contemporary Art and Globalization; Cross-Cultural Studies; Participatory Art and Spectatorship; Museums, Art Festivals and Art History; Identity politics; Nationalism and Post-nationality

Professor Emeritus

CHENG, Shan-His

CHENG, Shan-His
Professor Emeritus

Ink Painting, Calligraphy

WANG, Hsiu-Hsiung

WANG, Hsiu-Hsiung
Professor Emeritus

Taiwan Art History, Art Education

CHEN, Ching-Jung

CHEN, Ching-Jung
Professor Emeritus

Oil Painting, Mural Painting

JANG, Ming-Sian

JANG, Ming-Sian
Professor Emeritus

Ink Painting, Calligraphy

HUANG, Kuang-Nan

HUANG, Kuang-Nan
Professor Emeritus

Ink Painting, Museology

SU, Hsien-Fa

SU, Hsien-Fa
Professor Emeritus

Oil Painting, Sketching, Watercolor Painting

YUAN, Jin-Ta

YUAN, Jin-Ta
Professor Emeritus

Ink Painting, Mixed Media

LEE, Cheng-Ming

LEE, Cheng-Ming
Professor Emeritus

Modern Ink Painting Creation, Experimental Ink Painting Research, Chinese Art History and Painting Theory

Chair Professor

LIAO, Shiou-Ping

LIAO, Shiou-Ping
Chair Professor


LIU, Kuo-Song

LIU, Kuo-Song
Chair Professor

Modern Chinese Ink Painting


Chair Professor

History of Taiwan Art



Administrative Secretary

HUANG, Chi-Shan

HUANG, Chi-Shan
Administrative Assistant

DENG, Yu-Chu

DENG, Yu-Chu
Administrative Assistant

LIAO, Wen-Shan

LIAO, Wen-Shan
Administrative Assistant

YANG, You-You

YANG, You-You
Administrative Assistant